Yanyg - Software Engineer

Linux Mutex Implementation


1 介绍

Linux Mutex是Futex的包装,本文介绍Mutex实现机制。

2 Kernel Code Comments

 * READ this before attempting to hack on futexes!
 * Basic futex operation and ordering guarantees
 * =============================================
 * The waiter reads the futex value in user space and calls
 * futex_wait(). This function computes the hash bucket and acquires
 * the hash bucket lock. After that it reads the futex user space value
 * again and verifies that the data has not changed. If it has not changed
 * it enqueues itself into the hash bucket, releases the hash bucket lock
 * and schedules.
 * The waker side modifies the user space value of the futex and calls
 * futex_wake(). This function computes the hash bucket and acquires the
 * hash bucket lock. Then it looks for waiters on that futex in the hash
 * bucket and wakes them.
 * In futex wake up scenarios where no tasks are blocked on a futex, taking
 * the hb spinlock can be avoided and simply return. In order for this
 * optimization to work, ordering guarantees must exist so that the waiter
 * being added to the list is acknowledged when the list is concurrently being
 * checked by the waker, avoiding scenarios like the following:
 * CPU 0                               CPU 1
 * val = *futex;
 * sys_futex(WAIT, futex, val);
 *   futex_wait(futex, val);
 *   uval = *futex;
 *                                     *futex = newval;
 *                                     sys_futex(WAKE, futex);
 *                                       futex_wake(futex);
 *                                       if (queue_empty())
 *                                         return;
 *   if (uval == val)
 *      lock(hash_bucket(futex));
 *      queue();
 *     unlock(hash_bucket(futex));
 *     schedule();
 * This would cause the waiter on CPU 0 to wait forever because it
 * missed the transition of the user space value from val to newval
 * and the waker did not find the waiter in the hash bucket queue.
 * The correct serialization ensures that a waiter either observes
 * the changed user space value before blocking or is woken by a
 * concurrent waker:
 * CPU 0                                 CPU 1
 * val = *futex;
 * sys_futex(WAIT, futex, val);
 *   futex_wait(futex, val);
 *   waiters++; (a)
 *   smp_mb(); (A) <-- paired with -.
 *                                  |
 *   lock(hash_bucket(futex));      |
 *                                  |
 *   uval = *futex;                 |
 *                                  |        *futex = newval;
 *                                  |        sys_futex(WAKE, futex);
 *                                  |          futex_wake(futex);
 *                                  |
 *                                  `--------> smp_mb(); (B)
 *   if (uval == val)
 *     queue();
 *     unlock(hash_bucket(futex));
 *     schedule();                         if (waiters)
 *                                           lock(hash_bucket(futex));
 *   else                                    wake_waiters(futex);
 *     waiters--; (b)                        unlock(hash_bucket(futex));
 * Where (A) orders the waiters increment and the futex value read through
 * atomic operations (see hb_waiters_inc) and where (B) orders the write
 * to futex and the waiters read -- this is done by the barriers for both
 * shared and private futexes in get_futex_key_refs().
 * This yields the following case (where X:=waiters, Y:=futex):
 *      X = Y = 0
 *      w[X]=1          w[Y]=1
 *      MB              MB
 *      r[Y]=y          r[X]=x
 * Which guarantees that x==0 && y==0 is impossible; which translates back into
 * the guarantee that we cannot both miss the futex variable change and the
 * enqueue.
 * Note that a new waiter is accounted for in (a) even when it is possible that
 * the wait call can return error, in which case we backtrack from it in (b).
 * Refer to the comment in queue_lock().
 * Similarly, in order to account for waiters being requeued on another
 * address we always increment the waiters for the destination bucket before
 * acquiring the lock. It then decrements them again  after releasing it -
 * the code that actually moves the futex(es) between hash buckets (requeue_futex)
 * will do the additional required waiter count housekeeping. This is done for
 * double_lock_hb() and double_unlock_hb(), respectively.

3 size

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

int main()
        printf("sizeof pthread_mutex_t = %u\n", sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
        printf("sizeof internal struct __pthread_mutex_s = %u\n",
               sizeof(struct __pthread_mutex_s));
        printf("sizeof pthread_rwlock_t = %u\n", sizeof(pthread_rwlock_t));
        return 0;

4 References